Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Christian Homeschooling - Am I Preparing My Students for God's Will In Their Lives?

Christian Homeschooling - Am I Preparing My Students for God's Will In Their Lives?
Am I preparing my children properly for what God's plan is for their lives? This is a big concern for many homeschool parents.

That's really a tough question because, as Christians, we know what God's calling is on our own life but it is much more difficult to know what God's plan is for somebody else. It is difficult to know because it is what God is speaking to them, instead of to us. As a parent, we hope, we pray, we assume a lot of things but we really don't know. It's between the child and God, as they grow up.

So, one of the things that you want to be doing as a homeschool parent is to make sure that you have as much of the groundwork laid for whatever God is calling them to do. That is one of the reasons why I believe that college preparation is best for every child. Sometimes they will discover that God's plan is for them to go to college and to be an Engineer. And if you have been preparing them all along for let's say, to be an auto-mechanic or something hands-on, then it's going to take them longer and be more difficult for them to achieve what God wants them to be achieve in their life.

When you're thinking about how to make sure your kids are ready for God's plan no matter what their next step ends up being, they are going to be ready for it. Consequently, having that college prep education can really help.

The other thing that will make a difference is to be sure you raise them up in the faith, so that they know their Bible and they know how to listen to God and to have a quiet time. So when God's is speaking to them, He doesn't have to scream and yell. He can whisper to them in that still, small voice and they can hear for themselves what God wants for them.

Part of preparing them for college is to them a great start homeschooling high school. Lee Binz, The HomeScholar has an award-winning Christian homeschool blog and helps parents homeschool for high school. Check out her homeschool online free minicourse and training webinar on how to give homeschool credit in high school.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Lee_Binz
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6763010

By Lee Binz

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